
Inspire Your Audience with Dynamic Keynote Presentations

Experience the power of inspiration with Dominic Vogel's dynamic keynote presentations. From cyber risk management to empowered cultures, Dominic delivers engaging talks that leave a lasting impact. Let’s make your event unforgettable.

Cyber Security Leadership



Cyber Security Leadership • Coaching • Speaking •

Book Dominic Vogel Today!

Dominic has performed as a keynote speaker for dozens of conferences including, RSA Security, World Mining Summit, ISACA CSX North America, and InfoSec World. Dominic believes in the value of presenting in an entertaining, engaging, and educational way.

Keynote Topics:

Unleashing Your Inner Leader!!!  

Most IT and technical professionals overlook their foundational people skills. The ability to inspire, to lead, to rally a team. These are skills that most technical professionals do not take the time to develop and strengthen. This talk will identify the hidden leadership traits (authenticity, vulnerability, empathy, and kindness. This talk will provide practical and actionable ways for you to start unleashing your hidden inner leader! 

Cyber Risk: A Business Risk You Cannot Ignore

What is cyber trust, why is it different from cyber security, and why does it matter to your business? Learn how to leverage cyber trust as a source of competitive differentiation in an increasingly crowded B2B space. This engaging presentation will flip cyber security on its head by helping you understand how to portray your cyber trust narrative confidently in the marketplace as a way to WIN business. Gain actionable advice on how to effectively optimize cyber trust in your business and why you shouldn't wait for a data breach or ransomware to happen! This will be the most entertaining and engaging cyber security talk you and your audience has ever seen!!!

Creating an AWESOME Company Culture

This talk focuses on my core beliefs in creating a culture based on integrity, continuous commitment to uplifting others, and willingness to be vulnerable. Everything meaningful in life is about others. Nothing profound is achieved in isolation. This talk will leave your audience breathlessly inspired!! 

Triple E Framework for Success: Epic, Empowerment, and ENERGY

Learn how to live a purposeful life by being mindful of every goal, every idea you pursue, and every decision you make to ensure they lead you toward your life's purpose. This makes you EPIC!!!! Learn how to know yourself by understanding your motivations, your strengths and growth areas. This talk will help you Identify the aspects of your life that are the most important to you, and where you can create meaningful change. This makes you EMPOWERED.Your positive energy has a restorative effect on others. The energy you exude into the universe is directly associated with your mental processes like thinking, problem solving, and decision making. Learn how your positive ENERGY affects your ability to be your BEST!!!

Harnessing the Power of Friendship Building

This talk is all about the amazing power of friendship and that the key to unlocking your personal success is through your friendships. Learn how to create MEANINGFUL life long friendships. Watch your life transform through learning how to build these friendships!!!

Cyber Security Testimonials

  • Dominic's dedication to his clients is exemplary. I've (fortunately or unfortunately) worked with many consultants, but no one can come close to the expertise and care that Dominic provides to his clients. Because he is always to in tune with his clients needs, he loves to bring me complex issues that together we parse out and together determine the best course of action. He would never settle for anything less than what the client needs to be successful. Not only does he have all of these fantastic qualities, Dominic genuinely cares about his clients and contacts at a personal level. In a world filled with consultants wanting you time and money, Dominic is one of the few that rises to the level of the cream of the crop.

    – Business Owner Manufacturing Sector

  • Dominic is the type of cyber risk professional that every business leader needs. Pragmatic and authentic PLUS he understands business!! He is someone you want in your corner when it comes to managing cyber risk at your organization.

    Operations Director – Construction Sector

  • Not only does Dominic provide expert strategic cyber risk management guidance but he built our cyber security team from the ground up. From coaching our first cyber security analyst to creating an accountable culture among our executives, our organization is far stronger and more secure for having relied on Dom the past few years!!!!

    – Tech Executive in Public Sector